Man is psychologically evolving since his very emergence. With time, he is becoming more and more pure in awareness. With man’s psychological development, his habits, needs and taste change. Old forms seem awkward and clumsy. Contemporary forms are clear and minimalistic, stripped of any unnecessary additions. As the unknown is being recognized, man stares more and more into the actual reality of everything – into nothingness. And nothingness is the purest form possible. This is why, overexaggerated decorations seem old-fashioned or nostalgic and cannot embrace the spirit of the presence. It is the same with old techniques and habitual or kinesiological patterns. Only the patterns which have their basis in the presence, in the vertical of time, are accurate and alive.
Isocentric skis very precisely capture the spirit of the present time. With their single line design, compact construction, intelligent technology and versatile performance characteristics, they define the concept of sport and recreation which is perfectly suitable for today’s time. The skiing routine is stripped down to its very basis. There is no need for cumbersome repetition of unnatural muscle straining movements, as the movement comes naturally. A new, free and playful skiing era is defined.